Accurate drawing requires finding the same reference points on the subject and the drawing. Holding a pencil vertically and horizontally always gives you two true reference lines to draw from. Here’s how to use them.

Finding Center
Hold a pencil by its tip so that it dangles loosely to find an accurate vertical line, and hold a pencil horizontally on your fingertips and let it find it’s own balance for a nearly perfect horizontal line.
Duplicate those lines in the middle of your paper.
If possible, find a landmark to draw at the center point. For example, there is a decoration on this mug at about the center point. If you draw that in the right position, it will be much easier to find the center again.
Beginning with vertical and horizontal lines through the center point creates an accurate foundation that keeps the drawing straight and proportional.
Use For Much More Than Locating Center

Negative Space And Curves
Use a vertical pencil to help see negative space, or to get a better look at curves.
This works especially well if you’ve blocked-in* the drawing. The vertical sides of the block are a stand in for the pencil. Compare the drawing’s negative space to the model’s negative space. If you draw the negative space correctly, the curve is drawn automatically.

A straight vertical line is a great way to sight angled lines. If you’re familiar with a protractor, you can take a mental note that the angle is more or less than thus-n-such degrees. Or you can take a visual note – “that’s as wide as my finger” – if you’re a math-phobe.

Our eyes see things as lined up when they’re not. So, to see off-set placements better, dangle the pencil vertically next to one point and look at how far away the other point is.

A horizontal pencil is especially good for sighting horizontal curves. Most people tend to flatten horizontal curves, so use a pencil to see how much the line actually curves away from a true horizontal line.
*Blocking In – Draw a box the same height and width as the subject to keep the drawing in proportion.
Dear Carol,
I am grateful for all your tips. They r important and helps to keep our eyes…especially who started to draw like me. I am an amateur artist and I need sometimes person like you next who is not only can criticize but in a friendly way help and lead. Thank you very much for your work. I do not know about others but I feel your tips are very important for me.
Thank you for your kind words Mila. I love teaching drawing skills to people like you.
It’s a great learning session of shading & sketching for me …… Keep me updated with other techniques..
Thanks for your help 😊
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