After much deliberation, I can finally present the botanical drawings of the huskberries that are found exclusively on the Isle of Carol.
A hot debate erupted at the Isle’s Board of Botanical Treasures soon after the tandem discovery of both smiling and frowning huskberries. The more moderate board members suggested that the smiling and frowning huskberries were the same species. Everyone else divided themselves into opposing teams, the frowning and the smiling sects, and threw whipped cream pies at each other.

After the pies ran out, it was agreed that the fight had ended in a tie. A vote was taken, and it was unanimously decided that smiling and frowning huskberries are one species.
I’m happy to officially announce that all huskberries found on the Isle of Carol are now smiling!
(The Three Stooges Pie Company kindly provides whipped cream pies to each meeting of the Board of Botanical Treasures for dispute resolution purposes.)

Here are a few of the experimental steps I took to draw the huskberries. As you can see, I started with shapes defined by line, then added shading to build form. I let my imagination have complete control and watched from the sidelines as these three dimensional fruits were discovered.
I hope all of you are drawing regularly and laughing often.
Hugs to all.