A Book About Drawing!

I have tried to keep this blog focused on drawing with inspirational pieces that I write myself so this post might seem a little different from all the preceding ones. I’m very excited about something that is happening in my life and I wanted to share it with you here. I have signed a contract to write a book! The book is about drawing or, rather, about how to draw. It will be aimed at beginners, cover a wide variety of subjects a beginner should know about, and end with five step by step drawing lessons. The book is still in its beginning stages and won’t be released until next year. I’ll tell you all how it’s coming along in future posts.

Happy drawing everyone!
Carol Rosinski
ToadHollowStudio.com – Drawing Lessons and Inspiration

Author: Carol

I'm an artist, an accidental author, and lover of life. I grew up in Yorktown, Indiana, and I've been writing (and drawing) this website since 1999.

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