Drawing both the foil wrapper on the “Kiss” and the crushed wrapper to the right were the most difficult parts of this small drawing! I almost bit off more that I could chew … LOL! On the Kiss with foil, there was an underlying shadow pattern that I had to “see” below all those harsh highlights. The wadded wrapper was pretty much a mess of bright highlights and dark shadows … all very tiny!
To create the foil covered Kiss, I drew the underlying shadow pattern first … what I could see of it anyway. Then I used a battery-powered eraser to take out all the highlights, paying no attention to subtle values. Next, I used a hard pencil tip to shape some of the erased highlights into more realistic looking patterns. Then I used a tiny brush to add subtle value back to some of the highlight areas.
To draw the crushed foil wrapper, I did my best to see and draw its tiny patterns of light and dark. The unwrapped Kiss was easy compared to the other two! I just filled it in paying attention to how the shadows fell on it … and then I removed its main highlight with a kneaded eraser.
Sometimes, small drawings can be a big headache!