I just got the new 2007 Dick Blick Catalog and there are two drawing papers listed in it that I’ve never tried. One is called the Fabriano Accademia Disegno Drawing Pad and is supposed to be a heavyweight and sized drawing paper. Sizing makes paper a little tougher and easier to erase so I have high hopes for this one. The other one is called the Canson Pure White Drawing Pad. I’m excited about this one because the description says it has a “fine tooth surface” that is “ideal for detailed drawing in pencil.” I like Canson paper but the pads I’ve tried had a “medium” surface and were a little rough for fine drawing. I’ll tell you what I think of these as soon as my order gets here.
Author: Carol
I'm an artist, an accidental author, and lover of life. I grew up in Yorktown, Indiana, and I've been writing (and drawing) this website since 1999.