I’m an infp artist, and this is a mind map of my creative flow. My map shows what goes on inside me as I follow my intuition while creating art. As the Myers-Briggs personality type infp, my intuition is powerful. Still, it takes practice and courage to trust it in a world that values rational thought and fact over internal knowing and inspiration.
As you can see, my process does not follow a straight line! An idea about composition may lead to an idea about value or texture, and no idea is isolated. My mind’s natural creative state is filled with ideas bouncing around off of each other. A complete idea does eventually solidify that satisfies me down to my core, and that’s the idea I try to capture in a piece of art.

This is a mind map of one of my infp ‘flip’ experiences. I’m very judgmental and controlling when I’m in a flip, and I accuse myself of being unable to finish anything. Luckily, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more accepting of how my mind works, and I have fewer flips.
Good luck to you on your own infp journey,
I am an INFP novelist. I find your mind map quite beautiful.
Thank you G, I’m glad another infp found their way to this page.