Toad Hollow Studio

Drawing, Creativity, and Depression

Flowers In A Vase
Flowers In A Vase

This is the first drawing I’ve made from life in a few weeks. It’s not very good but it felt good to sketch form and texture again.

I’ve always struggled with my moods but until now I’ve always been able to draw no matter what state my mind settled into. I reached such a low point this time, though, that I didn’t have the energy to sketch.

The anxiety medications I tried a few years ago had side effects, so I’m trying St. John’s Wort this time. (My doctor suggested this.) I’m having mixed results, but I’ve only been at it two weeks. I hope it works because I miss having the energy to sketch.

I have been able to work on a small piece that I’m drawing from a photo reference during this time, but sketching from life calls for more oomph than I was able to muster. Sketching requires an energetic and spontaneous connection with whatever you’re looking at, and a ferocious amount of creative juice is needed to put form and texture on paper while balancing the composition as it’s created.

If you’re suffering from depression, my heart goes out to you. Please remember that this bad place you’re in is not permanent. Here are some links to articles I found helpful.

Highly Sensitive – A few articles about highly sensitive people and anxiety.
Depression and Creativity – Several ideas about how depression and bipolar disorder influence creativity.
The 10 Paradoxes of Creative People – You’ll recognize yourself.
The Psychology of Creativity: Redeeming our Inner Demons – Purpose and passion.
Help For Depression – Down to earth suggestions about how to cope with and / or come out of depression. (It’s different for everyone.)