Toad Hollow Studio

Tall Grass Sketch

Tall Grass Sketch
Tall Grass Sketch

This tall grass is growing right outside my front door. (Yes, I know. I know. We don’t trim as much as we could.) Anyway, the grass’ stems are dark purple-ish at the bottom and some of the leaves are bright green at the top. The seed head is light green. It’s beautiful.

I composed this as I sketched, leaving out leaves that didn’t belong and rearranging others, and I like this composition. It has a few surprises that make me smile. I really loved all the old curling leaves at the bottom of the stems. They help root the whole thing to the ground.

I don’t think I captured the sharpness of the upper leaves. They sort of fade into the paper, even though I did sharpen their edges with the point of my pencil. They seemed crisper than that. Looking at it now, I feel as though I want to run a very sharp 2H pencil around those upper leaves again so there could be no question about how tight those leaves looked, but I won’t. I’ll save that fun for another day, and there’ll always be more untrimmed grass around here.