Toad Hollow Studio

Honeysuckle Leaves in a Cha Cha Beat

Honeysuckle Leaves In A Cha Cha Beat
Honeysuckle Leaves In A Cha Cha Beat

These Honeysuckle leaves growing around a stick had a rhythm that sung to me and, although the drawing is simple, I think I’ve captured the melody in this drawing. From the bottom up, the count goes: 1, 2 and 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, 8, and 9, 10.

I can hear this rhythm with my eyes, or see it with my ears, I’m not sure which. But I had to draw it because I saw / heard it so well. There’s more to the music, above and below, but this part was the clearest to me because of the spaces between the leaves, the leaves themselves, and the way the light was shining, which give a very slight accent to leaf number four.

Each leaf feels like a tap on a drum and is very roundly complete. Some of them meet in their dance, holding hands for a few beats, and each one looks choreographed into place. If I laid this drawing on the floor and placed my feet on each leaf like a dance lesson from Arthur Murray, I’d do a crazy Cha-cha around the room, twisting and turning, clapping my hands over my head to the beat.

I’m exhausted just thinking about it!