Toad Hollow Studio

Sketching From Life Is Addicting

Sketch of My Cat Hazel
Sketch of My Cat Hazel

I’m sketching from life a lot lately. I stop what I’m doing at about 3:00 each day, grab the messenger bag that I’ve stuffed with drawing supplies, and head for our meadow. After six laps around the meadow, I’m trying to loose weight, I settle down and draw.

Sketch of My Cat Freddy
Sketch of My Cat Freddy

Flowers, sprouting leaves, and things that catch my eye become my models. I’ve been doing this for two weeks, nearly everyday, and my sketching ability has improved tremendously. And I’ve lost two pounds! Drawing from life is an ability that needs constant practice to stay sharp and I was rusty.

Sketch of My Cat Rusty
Sketch of My Cat Rusty

I’m addicted to life sketching now and can only go a day without before the desire to capture a likeness overwhelms me. Yesterday, after a day and a half of rain kept me indoors, I stalked the cats. I snuck up on them while they were napping and satisfied my sketching hunger.