Toad Hollow Studio

I Don’t Paint, I Draw

Color is a distraction. It pulls the attention away from the subject and re-focuses it on the surface of the art. Yes, I know that color has lots and lots of emotional impact, but I’d rather bring the viewer deeper into the art.

I want your eyes to follow the shape of the subject deep under the surface of the drawing. I want you to understand the light and shadows you find there in an intuitive way, and I create an undemanding and quiet atmosphere so you can explore the drawing without distraction.

Drawings are more about the wholeness of a captured moment, and less about creating a new one. They are about time and space and touching the presence of a moment with the eyes, mind, and heart.

I sculpt light and shadow onto the surface of paper with my tools. I create form, texture, and line, and let them kick up their heels to the harmony of the spheres. That rhythm is my drumbeat.