Toad Hollow Studio

Consolidating and Keeping Close to the Heart

I love to chase rabbits! Love to follow ideas to see where they’ll take me. I love the energy of the chase and I use it to start new projects. Planning is not my strong point, imagination and spontaneous invention are. In the past few months, I’ve started quite a few projects and, in order to keep them all afloat, I need to pull them closer to center and tie them all together.

I draw, as you well know, and I write, as you may have deduced. I write drawing lessons, forum posts, blog posts, and pages for my main website. It’s kind of embarrassing doing all this writing, because I don’t think it’s what I do best. I draw best. I really do. But, the words I write make teaching possible, another thing I love, and they make my drawing club work, also greatly loved. And all these words make a little money, too, which makes it possible for me to work from home and have more time for drawing.

This complicated swirl of projects originated in my heart, and they stay close to it. I’m standing in the middle right now, and examining all the connections, tightening knots, and taking a good look at each an every child of my heart. It’s good to see they’ve finally learned how to work together, or maybe I’ve learned how to be a better caretaker. Either way, it’s a relief.

I’d like to send a humble thanks out to Mark Bernstein, the author of the article called “Writing for the Living Web.” I read through it often and it gives me the courage to write with my own voice, and that’s what makes all of this possible.