Toad Hollow Studio

Loving and Hating Corel Painter

I like to draw on the computer because it’s fast. Well, it should be fast and it certainly seems fast. Truthfully, though, I usually end up spending just as much time on a computer drawing as the normal pencil and paper kind.

I love the brushes in Corel Painter. They’re wonderfully realistic and yet can be mixed together in ways that only a computer can do. And then there are layers! Lots and lots of layers that can be moved and altered and played around with in an infinite number of ways.

I hate Corel Painter because I always spend more time trying to figure out how to do something than I spend actually doing the thing. Even worse, as often as not the wondrous effect I’m trying to create just can’t be done.

The computer generated imagery that we all see everyday has seeped into my brain and now a few inner images demand to be expressed in that way. To create these inner images I’m going to have to make peace with Painter, so I’m going to shop around for a good online class that will hold my hand as I learn the basics.