Toad Hollow Studio

Book Sighting

I finished Drawing Made Easy: Getting Started in December of 2006, but it wasn’t published until January 2007. Yesterday, nearly an entire year after it was published and two years after I finished it, I finally spotted a copy at the local United Art And Education in Mishawaka, Indiana. A couple of friends of mine had spotted it at a Michaels Arts & Crafts earlier in the year, but I’d never personally seen it in a store before.

Someone at the store had made a pretty display of the whole Drawing Made Easy series. After several moments of gazing at my own book lined up with all the others, I tidied up the display and went on my way. It’s just one tiny book in a sea of thousands, after all, and I was just another xmas time shopper in the crowd. But I’m happy I took the time to write it and I like to think it’s doing some good in the world, in a small and quiet way, by teaching people how to draw. :)