Toad Hollow Studio

Getting Things Done – An Artist Gets Organized

Sometimes there are just too many ideas in my head! I actually try to block some of them because I just don’t know how to manage them all. I’ve tried to set up a scheduling system that would handle all my ideas several times and I’ve had limited success with big projects, but I’ve never been able to devise a system for taking care of all my smaller creative notions … the little ones that need more nurturing before they’re done. With all these creative “children” running around in my head, I’ve always felt a little like the old woman who lived in the shoe!

David Allen in Getting Things Done suggests that a schedule actually frees your creative spirit instead of entrapping it. Since I’ve been so overwhelmed with my creative children, I decided to buy this book and give his system a try even though I didn’t believe all that stuff about being freer.

I’ve taken two days to set up the system in his book and I’m already feeling relieved and, yes, even more creative! His system is challenging to set up. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of planning, and a lot of dedication, but the uncluttered mind that is the result feels like a gift from the gods.