Toad Hollow Studio

The Best Way to Learn How to Draw

The best way to learn how to draw is to draw. Really, it is. No one can teach you how to draw like the process of drawing can. Each person draws uniquely and the only way you can discover how you “do it” is to … well … do it.

Lots of people have been talking for years and years about how drawing is more “seeing” than anything else. I say “seeing” is crucial to drawing well, but you need to be able to make the pencil draw what you see, too. The only way to learn to do that is to spend lots of time with a pencil and paper.

So, if you want to learn how to draw, draw. Draw a lot. Draw every day. Draw in secret. Draw in public. Arrange drawing trysts. Set up play dates with your pencil. Make time for drawing in your life and drawing will come to you.

Go on now … off with you … your pencil is waiting.