Toad Hollow Studio

Drawing Pencil Comparison Chart

I’ve made a comparison of common drawing pencils and I’ve marked the best choices for sketching and fine art. Enjoy!

Brand Range Quality Price Best Fine
Art Choice
Derwent Graphic Pencils 9B – 9H Excellent High X .
Cretacolor Fine Art
Graphite Pencils
2H – 9B Average Avg. . .
Cretacolor Monolith
Woodless Pencil
HB – 9B Average High . .
Palomino 2B – 2H Excellent Avg. . X
General’s Kimberly
Drawing Pencils
6B – 9H Poor Low . .
Sanford Turquoise
Drawing Pencils
6B – 9H Average Avg. . .
Sanford Turquoise
Leads – 2mm
6B – 6H Average Low . .
Staedtler Mars
Lumograph Drawing
Leads – 2mm
2B – 4H Excellent High X .
High – $1.26 to $1.50 each

Average – $0.86 to $1.25

Low – $0.55 to $0.85 each