Toad Hollow Studio

Your Muse Will Never Leave You

The nature of a muse is that she doesn’t care how old you are. She is the same one that inspired you to play in mud and imagine whole civilizations under clover leaves when you were a child. Your muse chose you because of who you are not what you are. It does not matter to the muse where you are in life or how you are doing … or even how utterly busy you are with other things. You can ignore the muse to some extent but, more likely than not, you will have to answer her call at some point in your life. So if a leaf calls out for you to touch its edges with your ink tip on paper, please do. If a rock wants you to explore its texture and shape with pencil and eraser, know that you have been invited into a magical place that few people have been. This is what you were chosen for by your muse. Take her hand follow her into the forest where she will lead you to your true home. –
Drawing Lessons and Inspiration